Monday, June 30, 2014

2014 so far.

Last year I would have started this Blog Post with something like this:" In between College, Two jobs and preparing for a mission Their has to be some "Me" time. Right? Good thing I'm only having this heavy load for a little bit." But now that this year is different, it brings new opportunities, Life experiences & Changes. Since Last year, I am still in College (graduating soon!), I have an amazing Boyfriend which I love, I am currently unemployed (but looking..)and last but not least did I mention that I have an amazing boyfriend??? I guess I just wanted to reiterate that one more time. It's just amazing how sometimes you have to kiss a lot of toads till you finally find your prince. Anywho enough about B. 2014 has been so great to me! Actually Heavenly Father is who I have to Thank for all his love, patience and guidance. This year I am healthier, enjoying the outdoors more... and I just feel that this year will be BIG for me. when I say "BIG" I only mean that their may be BIG changes of some sort. I will of course leave it in God's hands. I will be posting much more, because I've been neglecting my little Blog. So Till Then! Here's some Posts of Me getting outdoors and getting healthier. I'm Climbing the "Culver City Stairs" and it about 375+ Feet above Sea Level aka its Intense!