Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Rexburg Two Days!

 Hence the title of this post.. Rexburg. Two Days!
It seems unbelievable that I am finally going away to college. Mainly because I have been in college for a few years, what makes this different is it is out of state and a private university. Within these years I have seen and attended my fair share of Junior colleges. So this is all COMPLETELY new to me. I am never the less excited about going to a new place and meeting new people. I’ve always been fascinated with the idea of starting over and reinventing yourself. Starting over, isn’t about leaving things, memories or people behind, but it’s more about learning and becoming more “intune” with yourself. Recently, I have had alot of unexpected changes in my life. I have had to say adios to someone I thought I would spend my life with and honestly It still hurts a little, but I’m doing just fine. I am always surprised how God works, he knows what’s best for me, even when I’m in denial he provides a way..  I am excited to start over and learn more about myself and what I want for a change.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Bread Making!

As the title of this post says: Bread Making!
Yes, I have learned to make bread.. Even though I have yet to perfect it and yet make it my own I had such a great time learning how to make it. Surprisingly enough B's dad taught me! It is a recipe via B's grandmother so I felt so grateful & privileged to learn the recipe . Here are some pictures of the progress also B's Dad make Cookies! Delicious... Dangerously Delicious Cookies!  :)

Friday, October 3, 2014


In September, I posted a small list of things I wanted to accomplish within the month. The two item list contained the following:
  1. Cook a new recipe 
  2. Cleaning Skills  
I can say that I have successfully completed the two! Even tough my goals for that month are finished,I will continue to perfect my cooking & cleaning skills.
I did cook a New Recipe! While looking through Pinterest and trying to get inspiration, I decided Why not just "Wing-It"? I know basic knowledge of cooking (Kinda) so, I just chose the base and kept going. It ended up being some sort of Macaroni n Cheese with chicken sorta kinda thing???  Anywho, It was delicious and worked out lovely.
Next... Cleaning Skills.. Something that I need more improvement on. I can clean, but I would like to clean much more effectively and often. I check this off my list, because I worked with a family friend for his catering business. I worked with him set up and clean up events. I did such things as: Washing dishes, counter tops and various other tasks. So even though It was not "home" cleaning, I did receive a ton of knowledge and experience.

   I am aware I have many more things to learn on my way to being a good homemaker. I acknowledge that it will not be a quick and simple process, but 100% worth it :)

Here's my October Goal List:

Till Next Time!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Hello Autumn Goodbye Summer

I'm over the rim with excitement for the new season that has begun. With the changing of a new season overall change is bound to happen. I fully embrace the change that is coming and the autumn leaves that I love so much. Excitement is all I'm feeling right now.. I feel that Love is in the air and fun times are ahead. Summer was indeed fun, but autumn is the time where I figure out what I need. I am tempted to put "Want" instead of  "Need",but it's what I need that is most important. Someone could want a new pair of jeans or a new house,but is it what you need? My needs and wants are completely different. In my case I actually NEED a pair of new jeans. Lets just say that my old pair of skinny's are beyond saving.. I WANT a new car, but the one I have runs perfectly fine at the moment. I can save up to get a better one, but I don't NEED it at the moment. This Season I will try to distinguish my wants and needs, it will help prioritize my life and allow me to learn myself. 
I'm so excited to see what this Autumn Brings!

 Summer definitely will be missed but Autumn...surprise me.

Till Then- Dia

Autumn is in the air


Tuesday, September 16, 2014


So, As B. is away in the Navy doing whatever Navy men do... I am just Waiting.
By waiting I mean I am going to school, having some fun and learning new things ( Trying new recipes and just womanly things.) Womanly is not a word, Yes I know but in the sake of my blog, I don't care :) Anywho.... Womanly things... I am very traditional and conservative in my view of what I feel a woman's role should be nowadays. I whole heartily believe that woman are equal as men, but I feel that women should still remain women. I love the days when women cooked dinner every night, raised children, and aided to their men. I can't wait to raise a family, be a wife and support my husband. I'm sure that lots of women don't agree with my "Old fashioned" views and that's including my own mother. Ultimately, everyone has their own formed personal opinion and that's ok. It is alright because nobody gets to live your life but you. As my mother says, You are the only one who can write the chapters in your own book.
So.. Let the Adventure begin!
I want to learn how be the perfect housewife! Yes... I am aware that "perfect" is not achievable, but I will try my best to succeed! By perfect I want to master and achieve these things for the month of September:

Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Labor Day!

So, I've been pondering about what I want my next blog post to be about. I have so many pictures I would love to put up from Z's football game, B's and I Six Flags Trip, Sunday Dinner, Wardrobe posts, Fitness updates, and all the fun I've had over this past summer. I just have no idea where to start first. So Let me first start and say Happy Labor Day!aka September first! This Post will just go with the flow of September.

I love when it's a new month, because it always brings new opportunities and a fresh start. This September I have pledged to myself that I will do these things: 1)Reorganize my Bedroom 2)For this one.. I can simply say "Save Money" ,but I want to develop more of a frugal mentality and learn to use what I already own 3)Develop a Healthier lifestyle. All of these goals are completely achievable if I put my all into them and I will! There is no better time than the present!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Drive In

So Remember those Drive In Movie Theaters our parents and grandparents used to go to? A time in Which there were no such things as indoor movie theaters? Well.. there is one around us (45-60Mins away) and we went to it last night! I've been to it maybe 2 times before, so I know how fun it is.. but this was B's first time there! B's youngest brother Z's tagged along and It was his first time too! I have been telling B. forever that I wanted to take him to the drive in before he goes away for two months! Finally it happened. Luckily, He has a truck and Of course with my little Pinner heart We made a Little Camp in the flatbed. Our little Camp was fully equipped with Blankets, which was great cause it got a little chilly. Like the Amazing Man & Older Brother I love, B. surprised Z. with some Popcorn & a Soda. The Drive-in was playing a double feature of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Hercules,We watched Turtles only but it was overall a Fun experience. I didn't even think of Taking a picture of Our little Camp, I will next time along with bringing food and Pillows. Here's some Pictures of Last Night.

Monday, June 30, 2014

2014 so far.

Last year I would have started this Blog Post with something like this:" In between College, Two jobs and preparing for a mission Their has to be some "Me" time. Right? Good thing I'm only having this heavy load for a little bit." But now that this year is different, it brings new opportunities, Life experiences & Changes. Since Last year, I am still in College (graduating soon!), I have an amazing Boyfriend which I love, I am currently unemployed (but looking..)and last but not least did I mention that I have an amazing boyfriend??? I guess I just wanted to reiterate that one more time. It's just amazing how sometimes you have to kiss a lot of toads till you finally find your prince. Anywho enough about B. 2014 has been so great to me! Actually Heavenly Father is who I have to Thank for all his love, patience and guidance. This year I am healthier, enjoying the outdoors more... and I just feel that this year will be BIG for me. when I say "BIG" I only mean that their may be BIG changes of some sort. I will of course leave it in God's hands. I will be posting much more, because I've been neglecting my little Blog. So Till Then! Here's some Posts of Me getting outdoors and getting healthier. I'm Climbing the "Culver City Stairs" and it about 375+ Feet above Sea Level aka its Intense!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

California Gift Show

So about two months ago ??? (I think) I went to an event called the California Gift show. It's held here in Los Angeles and this year did not disappoint. The show is open to vendors and exhibitors who have businesses. These "Businesses" are boutiques, stores, small businesses and etc. I get in because I have a small up-lighting business with my sister, so where in the "Event" business. Here's a few pictures of that day.
California Gift Show!
Entrance into the show
plenty of great colorful items
Cute Russian Dolls
I would Love this, someone buy for me please!
So their was an antique dealer their also
These Doll heads where creepy, but look how their made! So retro! So This was just my experience at the Gift Show. I go every year and I can't wait to go back. I usually always find something! These are just one of my many adventures! Till Next Time :)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Valentines day success

Valentines day was a success! Kinda... haha I felt alittle dumb. So, We went to SkyZone (Indoor Trampoline place) and it was Great! I had a totally blast. SkyZone back to the story.. so, we went with B's two Brothers and one of their girlfriends. It was a double date.Kinda. haha. F.Y.I. If you have ever cheered before or know someone that does, take them to SKYZONE! its a great place to practice.. You can work on your tumbling, jumps, flips, and if your a flyer that's even better! ok.. so Anywho, we went their and he totally played it off like " o is it Valentines day?..." and of course I fell right into his deception.haha and the next day I felt totally dumb. I told him how I wasn't feeling ok, with how things panned out.. and I was surprised when he said he had something for me, but didn't wan to be "typical". So of course I felt childish afterwards, but I loved it :) and I ultimately had a great time. here's some pics of our vday and the day after with chocolates.
Till Next Time

Friday, January 17, 2014

Valentines Day February 14,2014 First what is this Valentines? val•en•tine [val-uhn-tahyn] – 1. a card or gift expressing love or affection, sent, often anonymously, to one's sweetheart or satirically to a friend, on Saint Valentine's Day 2. a sweetheart selected for such a greeting So, this upcoming Valentine’s Day is very special to me in several ways. First, I never celebrated Valentine’s Day with a boyfriend before. Just to show our love for each other over the years, I have celebrated it with my Mom & Sister, but I’ve also been single for Valentines too. Second, I’m so Excited to celebrate it with B. I can’t wait to spend time with him and show him how much I love him. Third, it’s such a “Lovey dovey” holiday, and the Romantic in me is screaming! I’m so excited to see what this day brings… it may be Flowers, a Card, who knows? But I’m hoping he will be surprised with what I will get him. I was racking my brain trying to figure out what would be a great V-day gift for my boy. B. Loves Video Games (He’s a boy. Duh right?) So, when we went to our local Best Buy, I made sure to go with him to look at the games. I looked on Pinterest and after looking at tons of pins, I found one that was in my budget and a Cute Idea! So, I’m making him a Game survival kit Basket. The basket will include 1 Video Game, and a bunch of Gaming snacks such as his favorite: Pretzel M&MS and other goodies! I’m not sure if I’m more excited because I want to put it together or because I want to give it to him.. I figure it’s just a little bit of both. I really hope he likes this present, I literally racked my mind and I think he will love it  I never fully understood what it meant to anticipate this special day and I’m starting to feel like I get it. It’s so special to know that someone loves you and you them. It’s so meaningful to feel like you can share this day with not only the person you love, but with the person you can see your future with. I can’t wait till V-day T-Minus 28 days.

Friday, January 3, 2014

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Happy New Year!

2014 is upon us! It's so crazy how fast the year has gone by. I literally remember celebrating 2013 with my friends and all the fun we have had in between. Even with all the ups & downs 2013 has delivered, I am so excited for what 2014 will bring. I know this new year will bring lots of growth for me and those I know. A brief list of some things that Happened in 2013: 1) Attended BYU-I 2) Gained a Boyfriend 3) Road tripped to Utah 4) Took Ballet & Modern Dance 5) Performed on a stage 6) Became 2nd Counselor in Relief Society! 7) Lost 6lbs 8) Got a New Updated Phone!( Trust me I needed it) 9) Turned 22! Goals for me in 2014: 1) Work on Loving myself more 2) Blending more often 3) Building better relationships 4) Finish one Book 5) Save at least 100 dollars These are my goals and I can't wait to see what this new year has to offer! Till Next Time :)