Monday, September 2, 2013

Happy Labor Day!

Labor day is A great time to support and remember American workers from, times of past till now.
Today, I will most likely be spending time with my Family at one of our many " Last minute Spur of the moment barbeques". Speaking of my family, which I love and have grown to accept their weirdness.. Why do we really never plan anything out for holidays and such? I mean yes, their is the yearly Vacation, but lets actually plan like a few weeks ahead of time So I don't double book instead of the "usual" phone call One-two days ahead :) Today, I will probably have movie night at the BF's later and then ultimately I will indulge in a little bit of dessert. (Hopefully some kind of Pie with berrys). That's My mapped out plan! Will it go as planned? who knows.. We shall see :) P.S. I can't wait to break out the Boots & Sweaters for Fall! California weather isn't like most, we don't have seasons as other states. I can tell you though that when it comes.. Hip Hip Hooray!