Sunday, April 22, 2012

Estate State!!!!!!!!!!!

So, I decided to go to a estate state after reading in one of my favorite blogs to read "The DaintySquid". I love her post! they are sooo Adventure filled and colorful :) You should Totally check out her site...Anyway, So I'm really getting ready to pee my pants. Because I'm so excited to tell you how Great Estate Sales are! or at least how great my First Estate sale was.. First off, Their were a good amount of people their. Second, I was sooo relieved that I brought a Small Side Bag.. it's a good thing to bring a bag that isn't like CRAZY big, because it may get in the way of finding treasures! Third, I bought Cash and I bought somethings so, I was happy I brong the moola..(is Brong a word?) Always bring cash :) Because they may not have a way to use cards.It was such a great experience, It was Upstairs, downstairs and It was a nice sized house. But My favorite part was not only finding Some things I loved,but also that thier was a Craft Room! I was in ahhhhhhhh!! It was sooo Big, but because i came on the last day (Sunday) It wasn't too too much left. Alot of things that were still their was: patterns,Zippers,Some Fabric, Needles, and even a Paint tube I managed to scoop up :) I can't wait to go to the next one :) Here's what I got when I went: A VINTAGE Thift SAMOSNITE Camera Bag and A Tube Of gel mixing Paint. I was soo Happy :D