Saturday, April 23, 2011

Movie Time!!!

This post was suppose to at first be about things that inspire me,but Now, I don't Wanta write about that (Mood Change.)lol.
 I'm watching " Never Let Me Go" and it's such a interesting movie so far, and the song "Baby,Never Let Me Go" by Judy  Bridgewater. (It's such a great song). The Song isn't a real song that's been published & the person Judy B. isn't a real singer (The movie created the song) but Let me tell you a great Song! I feel like in the 50's. Its just Awesome. Here's a random picture clip from the movie:

  p.s.  It's like 1something in the morning and I have to get up about 7:30am....  Luckily It's Spring Break :D