Friday, January 17, 2014

Valentines Day February 14,2014 First what is this Valentines? val•en•tine [val-uhn-tahyn] – 1. a card or gift expressing love or affection, sent, often anonymously, to one's sweetheart or satirically to a friend, on Saint Valentine's Day 2. a sweetheart selected for such a greeting So, this upcoming Valentine’s Day is very special to me in several ways. First, I never celebrated Valentine’s Day with a boyfriend before. Just to show our love for each other over the years, I have celebrated it with my Mom & Sister, but I’ve also been single for Valentines too. Second, I’m so Excited to celebrate it with B. I can’t wait to spend time with him and show him how much I love him. Third, it’s such a “Lovey dovey” holiday, and the Romantic in me is screaming! I’m so excited to see what this day brings… it may be Flowers, a Card, who knows? But I’m hoping he will be surprised with what I will get him. I was racking my brain trying to figure out what would be a great V-day gift for my boy. B. Loves Video Games (He’s a boy. Duh right?) So, when we went to our local Best Buy, I made sure to go with him to look at the games. I looked on Pinterest and after looking at tons of pins, I found one that was in my budget and a Cute Idea! So, I’m making him a Game survival kit Basket. The basket will include 1 Video Game, and a bunch of Gaming snacks such as his favorite: Pretzel M&MS and other goodies! I’m not sure if I’m more excited because I want to put it together or because I want to give it to him.. I figure it’s just a little bit of both. I really hope he likes this present, I literally racked my mind and I think he will love it  I never fully understood what it meant to anticipate this special day and I’m starting to feel like I get it. It’s so special to know that someone loves you and you them. It’s so meaningful to feel like you can share this day with not only the person you love, but with the person you can see your future with. I can’t wait till V-day T-Minus 28 days.

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