Monday, September 22, 2014

Hello Autumn Goodbye Summer

I'm over the rim with excitement for the new season that has begun. With the changing of a new season overall change is bound to happen. I fully embrace the change that is coming and the autumn leaves that I love so much. Excitement is all I'm feeling right now.. I feel that Love is in the air and fun times are ahead. Summer was indeed fun, but autumn is the time where I figure out what I need. I am tempted to put "Want" instead of  "Need",but it's what I need that is most important. Someone could want a new pair of jeans or a new house,but is it what you need? My needs and wants are completely different. In my case I actually NEED a pair of new jeans. Lets just say that my old pair of skinny's are beyond saving.. I WANT a new car, but the one I have runs perfectly fine at the moment. I can save up to get a better one, but I don't NEED it at the moment. This Season I will try to distinguish my wants and needs, it will help prioritize my life and allow me to learn myself. 
I'm so excited to see what this Autumn Brings!

 Summer definitely will be missed but Autumn...surprise me.

Till Then- Dia

Autumn is in the air


Tuesday, September 16, 2014


So, As B. is away in the Navy doing whatever Navy men do... I am just Waiting.
By waiting I mean I am going to school, having some fun and learning new things ( Trying new recipes and just womanly things.) Womanly is not a word, Yes I know but in the sake of my blog, I don't care :) Anywho.... Womanly things... I am very traditional and conservative in my view of what I feel a woman's role should be nowadays. I whole heartily believe that woman are equal as men, but I feel that women should still remain women. I love the days when women cooked dinner every night, raised children, and aided to their men. I can't wait to raise a family, be a wife and support my husband. I'm sure that lots of women don't agree with my "Old fashioned" views and that's including my own mother. Ultimately, everyone has their own formed personal opinion and that's ok. It is alright because nobody gets to live your life but you. As my mother says, You are the only one who can write the chapters in your own book.
So.. Let the Adventure begin!
I want to learn how be the perfect housewife! Yes... I am aware that "perfect" is not achievable, but I will try my best to succeed! By perfect I want to master and achieve these things for the month of September:

Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Labor Day!

So, I've been pondering about what I want my next blog post to be about. I have so many pictures I would love to put up from Z's football game, B's and I Six Flags Trip, Sunday Dinner, Wardrobe posts, Fitness updates, and all the fun I've had over this past summer. I just have no idea where to start first. So Let me first start and say Happy Labor Day!aka September first! This Post will just go with the flow of September.

I love when it's a new month, because it always brings new opportunities and a fresh start. This September I have pledged to myself that I will do these things: 1)Reorganize my Bedroom 2)For this one.. I can simply say "Save Money" ,but I want to develop more of a frugal mentality and learn to use what I already own 3)Develop a Healthier lifestyle. All of these goals are completely achievable if I put my all into them and I will! There is no better time than the present!